MML Teen Programs


Teens 7th-12th Grade are welcome to use the Teen Zone for resources, a break, or socializing with friends. With the help of our Teen Advisory Council, we strive to provide an environment that is welcoming to all and offers something for everyone. We offer clubs, events, and virtual activities. See below for the details on current Teen Events and feel free to call 419-347-5576 EXT 5 or email with questions or ideas.

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Meet TAC

TAC is MML’s Teen Advisory Council. TAC Members are in 7th – 12th Grade. TAC helps plan and organize teen events and activities and helps select new books to order.

*Due to COVID-19 we are not currently accepting new members, but we hope to add new members when our year restarts in August!

TAC is currently focusing our plans on our Teen Summer Program 2021: Tails and Tales. Take a look below for all the details. Send any questions, suggestions, or recommendations to

TAC has revamped our End of the Year Survey and would appreciate your help/input. We will use your answers to plan our 21-22 program year. Bonus! Everyone who completes the survey is entered into a drawing for prizes in May and JuneBonus 2: If you complete the survey you’ll earn 10 raffle slips towards Summer Program Prizes!

Current Members:

  • President: Alexis McClain, 10th Grade
  • Secretary: Amber Craig, 11th Grade
  • Community Manager: Leah Francis, 10th Grade
  • Treasurer: Graeme Harvey, 11th Grade
  • Historian: Brenna Brickley, 10th Grade
  • Peyton Putnam, 9th Grade

TAC Activities:

TAC has a hand in planning all of our current events and activities. In the past, TAC has helped plan:

  • Teen Tea Parties
  • Costume Contests
  • Terrarium Programs
  • Cupcake Wars
  • Murder Mystery Night
  • Summer Programming
  • Cooking Classes
  • Clubs
  • Game Nights
  • Karaoke Nights

Chatting with TAC

TAC has started a podcast! Listen in as TAC Members have a monthly conversation about all things new, exciting, and teen at MML. You can listen or watch, whichever you prefer. Audio only versions can be found on the following podcast sites:

Current Events and Activities

Teen Summer Program 2021: Tails and Tales

Register for this year’s Summer Program at MML or at home using this online form. Once you’ve done that you will receive an email copy of all of our information as well as a bag with paper copies and free give aways. Good Luck!

A Letter from TAC 

This year’s Summer Reading Program will be returning with in-person events! We here at the library have tons of super-cool activities planned throughout the whole summer. At the end of the program, we’ll even be raffling off awesome prizes like tickets to Kings Island! And the best part is, you don’t even have to spend your whole summer reading to earn raffle slips. So check our Instagram and website to see the fantastic events we have planned for this year’s “Tales and Tails” summer reading program. Hope you enjoy your summer as much as we will!

Alexis McClain
TAC President

How does the Teen Summer Program work?

    Our summer program works on a raffle system, so it’s up to you how much or how little you participate. This year you can do this in person with paper raffle slips or online with virtual slips.
    Once you’ve signed up, you can start earning raffle slips. Raffle slips can be earned by attending events, answering Trivia Questions, participating in the weekly photo contests, completing scavenger hunts, earning BINGOs, submitting an essay to this year’s essay contest, and of course, reading! Everything you do earns you more chances at the prize of your choice.
    So, how many raffle slips does each activity earn you? Good question, here’s the breakdown:
  • Attending Events = 3 for showing up with the chance for more once you’re here
  • Trivia Questions = 1 for each correct answer
  • Photo Contest = 2 slips per entry, weekly winner earns an extra 3
  • Scavenger Hunts = 2 slips per correct answer
  • BINGOs = 3 slips for each BINGO, 10 bonus slips if you complete the whole card
  • Essay Contest = 20 slips
  • Reading = 1 slip for everything you read that has a title

Weekly Themes and Schedules

Program runs Monday May 24 through Thursday July 15
Sign up Week: Monday May 24 – Saturday May 29 — Birds
Week 1: Tuesday June 1 – Saturday June 5 — Aquatic Animals
Week 2: Monday June 7 – Saturday June 12 — Amphibians 
Week 3: Monday June 14 – Saturday June 19 — Fairy Tale Animals
Week 4: Monday June 21 – Saturday June 26 — Animals from Fables
Week 5: Monday June 28 – Saturday July 3 — Mammals
Week 6: Tuesday July 6 – Saturday July 10 — Fish
Week 7: Monday July 12 – Thursday July 15 — Retiles 
See all the details in the events section-we hope to see you here!


We offer 10 prizes. You choose which one to put your raffle slips towards.
This year’s prizes include:
  • Ohio State Reformatory Tickets
  • Kings Island Tickets
  • Columbus Museum of Art Tickets
  • LEGO Kits
  • Ohio Ren Fest Coupons
All raffle slips must be returned (in person or online) by July 15. Winners will be pulled on Friday July 16 and called to pick up their prize.

Essay Contest

Our annual Essay Contest is optional, it does not have to be completed to ern your free book or chance at Big Prizes. It does count for 20 Teen Raffle Slips and an opportunity for an extra prize.


Write a report on your favorite animal: share fun facts and tell us why they’re the best.


  • A list of sources must be included with your essay this year. Sources are any books or articles that inspired or informed your essay.
  • Essays can be typed or handwritten and turned in in person or by email. Either way make sure a cover sheet with your Name, Age, and Grade in the Fall is attached.
  • To be considered, all essays must be handed in by the time the library closes at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday July 15.

Requirements for Seventh – Twelfth Grade:

  • 5 Paragraphs (5-7 sentences each)
  • 5 sources using the MLA citation format


  1. Amazon Fire 8
  2. Camping Kit: includes a tent, flashlight, binoculars, bird watching books, and s’mores kit

Summer Program Introduction/Explanation

Jami tries to keep things simple and explain this year’s program, give you a preview of what you get when you register, and highlight a few things we’ve been doing outside of the summer program that you might not know about.


Please note that all activities will take place rain or shine, outside. In the event of Thunderstorms, the event will be canceled (think baseball/softball weather rules).

Bird Event: Monday May 24, 5:30

  • Join us in the pavilion as we kick off this year’s Summer Program by making Bird Feeders! All supplies are provided by the library, just show up and have fun!

Ohio Bird Sanctuary Program: Thursday May 27, 5:30

  • The Ohio Bird Sanctuary will be here with several of their birds. They’ll be sharing facts, birds, and fun out in the pavilion.

Amphibian Event: Monday June 7, 5:30

  • Join us in the pavilion to make Frog Gardens. We’ll take dirt, plants, and decorations to make perfectly cute frog homes.

Fairy Tale Animals Event: Monday June 14, 5:30

  • Join us to craft your own mythical creature, collage, or fairy tale friend.

Animals From Fables Event: Monday June 21, 5:30

  • Join us in the pavilion for a Story Time Picnic. We’ll share stories, eat picnic food, and have fun.

Mammals Event: Monday June 28, 5:30

  • Pet Night! Bring your pets, a signed liability form, and join us for a fun night of sharing. We’ll talk about our pets, share tips, and trade stories
    • All pets must be on a leash or contained in some manner
    • All participants must have a signed liability form to participate (with or without a pet). This is included in the paper copy of information you get when you register for the Teen Summer Program.

Gorman Nature Center Program: Monday July 12, 5:30

  • Join us in the pavilion for a program with Gorman Nature Center. They’ll be bring animals and facts and we’ll have tons of fun!

Other Activities

The best thing about the Teen Summer Program is that you DON’T have to read to win prizes. It helps, but there are lots of ways to earn your raffle slips.


  • Earn raffle slips by completing BINGOs on this year’s BINGO Card. Activities on this year’s card include, reading a book, taking a walk, bird watching, and talking to librarians. Earn 3 raffle slips for each BINGO you earn and 10 Bonus slips if you complete the whole card.

Scavenger Hunts

  • New this year, try out one of our Scavenger Hunts. Find fun things, use library resources, and learn something new! Each correct Scavenger Hunt answer earns you 2 raffle slips.
  • There is a June Hunt and July Hunt. Both are in your sign up packet and can be completed at anytime throughout the program.

Weekly Photo Contest 

  • Back by popular demand-our Teen Photo Contest! Submit a photo each week between Monday and Wednesday that matches the week’s theme. All entries will be posted to the teen Instagram page (@mmteens) and the phot with the most likes wins. Winners will be announced on Fridays.
  • Earn 2 raffle slips just for submitting a photo and winners earn 3 extras! Grand Prize winner earns 10 raffle slips.

Daily Trivia Questions 

  • Answer Daily Trivia Questions to earn raffle slips! At the beginning of each week, we’ll post the week’s questions to Instagram and at the front desk. Tell us the answers and earn 1 raffle slip for each one you get correct.

Resources & Research

Mental Health and Other Concerns

Whether you’re in need of help or information, these resources are fantastic:

HowRightNow  – An initiative to address people’s feelings of grief, loss, and worry during COVID-19

National Alliance on Mental Illness – Teen/Young Adult Resources

Ok2Talk – The National Alliance on Mental Illness offers a safe space to talk about your needs and/or helping others

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Resources for Youth

You Matter – The National Suicide Prevention Life sponsored safe space for youth to talk about mental health and suicide prevention

The Trevor Project – Focus on LGBTQ+ Youth, their mental health, and suicide prevention

Ditch the Label – A leading and global youth organization with a focus on bullying, digital wellbeing, mental health, relationships and identity

Love Is Respect – The national resource to disrupt and prevent unhealthy relationships and intimate partner violence by empowering young people

Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown– This is currently Jami’s favorite Podcast. I will share that due to sponsorships and honest conversations, watching/listening is probably best for older teens or as a shared activity between parents and teens. But the additional resources included on the website are great for independent research or anyone just a little curious about what’s going on inside their head.

Resources for Research, Learning, and More

Whether you’re working on something for school or just in search of more information, these resources are great:

OWL (Ohio Web Library) – Provides research resources & how-to information such as magazine articles, genealogy, guides, reference and encyclopedias.

The Purdue Online Writing Lab is one of Jami’s favorite resources! Use it for help with in-text citations, works cited pages, and general how-to guides

The Smithsonian Institution has several options:

MML FaviconCheck out our Digital Resources Page for all of our Digital Offerings, including Hoopla, Niche Academy, and local research.

Do you have questions about a program?

Contact Us