Latest Past Events

Crafts with Linda

Marvin Memorial Library 29 W. Whitney Ave., Shelby

Join Linda for an afternoon of crafts.  The craft for this month is FELT FLOWERS. Must be registered to attend.  Call the library to reserve your spot today.

Lego Building Contest 2021

Marvin Memorial Library 29 W. Whitney Ave., Shelby

Submission Deadline, Saturday, March 6 Return Dates: First week of April This year, drop off your creations for judging and display! Rules: 1. All contestants must fall into one of these categories: a. Age 7-9 b. Age 10-13 c. Age 14-18 2. All creations must fit in a 12 X 12 X 12 inch square 3. All creations must be at

IditaRead 2021

Marvin Memorial Library 29 W. Whitney Ave., Shelby

Are you ready for this year's competition? What is IditaRead? All ages competetion with three teams. (Adults - out of school - 18+, Children - 2 years old to 6th grade, Teens - grades 7th to 12th) How to participate: Sign up at the front desk or online. Track the number of minutes you read.