Marvin Memorial Library

Children’s Update: April 28, 2021

Hello everyone!
    Can you believe it’s May?1?  I feel like it sneaks up on my a little faster every year! We’re just about knee deep in the Summer Reading planning and I’m happy to report that we will have lots of good news for everyone on that topic. I’m just working out some of the details, but be on the lookout for more information and specifics. In the meantime, we’ve got a few nice things to finish out the year in May.
    I’d like to say thank you again for those of you who were able to come to our Arbor/Earth Day Celebration. It was so much fun and we really enjoyed having you here for a program. We do still have a few leftover Take & Make kits with Bird Feeder supplies. You can pick those up either at the front desk or through curbside. I’ll leave those out and available until May 15 when we hold our Family Story Time. Then, I’ll swap the bird feeders for whatever activity we land on for that day.
    So, while we get everything organized and in place for Summer Reading, you have fun, stay safe, and keep reading!
~Miss Jami
Dear Reader,
    Hope you survived April! It was a wild month with rain, snow, and sunshine. In honor of the wild, the school children/preschoolers and I read about zoos. We have so many good books about animals, zoo keepers, and veterinarians. We have fictions and nonfiction on these topics so, essentially, something for everyone.
    Thank you to my family for traipsing to the zoo with me on one of April’s coldest days for “research and development” of this theme.
    Next month we’ll be reading about Cinco de Mayo and Hispanic cultures.
 Keep Reading,
~Ms. Robyn
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