Dear Reader,
I hope you’ve had time to catch up on your reading these days.
The Pioneer Preschoolers and I tried out Zoom. I read to them about their five senses. I threw in a wacky nonfiction on grasshoppers. Did you know that grasshoppers hear with their front legs and they smell and feel with their antennas? I loved learning new facts this month about our senses and pets.
Just a note: I can’t go to the elementary schools right now, so I’ve been recording their story times. Each school is sent a link that they can use to view the story times when it fits into their class schedule. Each theme will stay uploaded for two months.
Join me in the reading and listening to books. Books change our lives and bring us joy!
~Ms. Robyn
Hello again everyone!
September has just flown by, hasn’t it? I can’t quite believe we’re prepping for October Book Bundles and Halloween programming. We’ve got some fun things planned for you!
We got off to a good start in September. I’m getting used to doing Radio Programs and I have figured out how to run recorded items on a loop, so hopefully you’ve had a chance to tune into WMML (1040 AM) to listen in. I really do hope that between the radio, the videos, and the Take & Make Activities, you’re able to enjoy some of what we’re doing this fall. And keep in mind, it’s not forever, we’ll be together again in person eventually. We just really want to make sure that we’re doing everything we can to keep everyone as safe as we possibly can and that we’re following all state recommendations and requirements. 
Looking ahead to October, we’ll continue to do Story Time and Family Night with videos, radio programs, and Take & Make Activities. We’re reading all about people in story time and I’m trying to include as many of our picture book biographies as possible so we can learn about real people as well as occupations. Our Family Night Activities have a lot of open-ended creativity built in, so hopefully you’re enjoying some free expression and family togetherness.
I’m very excited to let you know that we will still be doing Trick-or-Treat at the Library this year! As many of you know, it’s one of my favorite programs all year. We won’t be able to do it inside this year, so we’re planning a “Drive Through Trick-or-Treat” in the parking lot. Tune into WMML (1040 AM) while you drive through curbside to get your full bag of Halloween treats and show off this year’s costume. Any guesses on Miss Jami’s costume?
On a final, and personal, note, my sister will be having the baby anytime now. This means that I’ll be headed off to Pennsylvania to meet little Phillip Russell and spend some time with the family. While I’m gone all of our programs will continue, I’ve called in reinforcements, so you won’t miss out on anything you’re used to. As a former substitute teacher, I have to say “be nice to the subs, they’re doing their best.”
Happy Reading and Happy Fall!
~Miss Jami