Card Holder Responsibility

  • By signing the card application, you agree to be responsible for all materials borrowed.
  • Library cards are renewed every year at no cost.
  • The library recommends not loaning your personal library card to anyone.
  • All materials checked out on your card are your responsibility.
  • Patrons must have their library card with them to check out items.

Lending Policy

  • You must have your library card with you to check out items.
  • All items are due back before closing on the date printed on the receipt handed to you at the time of check-out.
  • All items returned in the drop-box within 1 hour of closing or after business hours are checked in on the next business day.

Library Card Replacements

  • Expired cards are updated free of charge – bring your old card to renew.
  • Replacement cards cost $1.

Unattended Child Policy

Marvin Memorial Library is concerned about the welfare and safety of children in the library. Unattended children may become frightened and are much safer in any public building when accompanied by a parent, guardian, or caregiver. Unattended Children may also be disruptive to the activities of other patrons. The responsibility for the safety and behavior of children in the library belongs to the parent, guardian, and/or caregiver and not with library personnel.

An “unattended child” is a young child under the age of ten years left in the library unattended for a long period of time or any child twelve years or younger not picked up at closing time who does not have a safe means of transportation to his/her home or to a caregiver’s home.

Furthermore, a child under the age of seven must have a parent or responsible caregiver in the immediate vicinity of the child at all times. A responsible caregiver must be at least twelve years old. The only exception would be when attending library-sponsored programs where parental presence is not required. However, even in these instances, parents, guardians, and/or caregivers are expected to remain on premises and be available.

The Director is authorized to prepare, distribute, and implement procedures to deal with unattended children.

Revised May 2015 –Marvin Memorial Library


Marvin Memorial Library encourages the use of its facility for learning, enrichment, and the legitimate use of the Library’s resources and services. In order to preserve that opportunity, we ask patrons to be respectful of each other and behave in a manner that does not disrupt other patrons or staff.

Any behavior that disrupts the orderly use of the Library is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, any behavior that interferes with:

• the use of Library property, materials, and services by other patrons;
• the ability of Library employees to conduct Library business;
• the safety of Library patrons and employees; and/or
• the Library’s materials, facilities, or property.

Examples of prohibited behavior include, but are not limited to:

• Leaving unsupervised or unattended children who are unable to care for themselves
• Making unreasonable noise including, but not limited to, loud talking, singing, other loud or disruptive noise, or noise from cell phone or audio/visual equipment usage
• Using profane, obscene, or abusive language
• Making racial, ethnic, religious, gender, or sexual orientation epithets
• Harassing patrons or staff, including without limitation deliberate or repeated language or behavior that is intimidating, hostile, and/or offensive, or that adversely impacts staff work performance or patron use of the Library
• Intentionally damaging, destroying, or stealing property belonging to the Library, another patron, or staff
• Running or engaging in horseplay
• Lying down or sleeping, including giving the appearance of sleeping
• Littering
• Abusing or improperly using furniture, equipment, or materials
• Soliciting and/or panhandling Library patrons or staff, including but not limited to soliciting money and/or donations, and/or selling or attempting to sell merchandise to Library patrons or staff
• Posting or distributing literature without permission
• Gambling • Blocking entrance to and exit from the building; monopolizing/obstructing space, seating tables, or equipment to the exclusion of others.
• Trespassing, violating an eviction, entering library property when banned, or remaining on Library property after having been restricted or directed to leave
• Fighting, challenging someone to fight, physical abuse, or assault
• Engaging in or soliciting a sexual act, or indecent exposure
• Improper dress including bare feet, no shirt, and uncovered swimsuits
• Vandalizing Library facilities or equipment
• Being under the influence, possessing alcohol or drugs, selling drugs or alcoholic beverages
• Bathing, shaving, or washing clothes on the premises
• Bringing animals other than service animals to the library
• Smoking, using tobacco, or using electronic nicotine delivery systems or similar products, such as e-cigarettes, in the library, in the pavilion or within 50 feet of the public entrance
• Using roller blades, roller skates, skateboards, spiked shoes, cleats, or other sports equipment in the Library or on Library property
• Entering unauthorized workspaces or work areas or other non-public areas
• Taking photographs and/or recording videos of Library staff or patrons without their permission
• Possessing weapons of any kind, either concealed or in plain view, in the Library, unless the person in possession of the weapon is a law enforcement officer
• Violating the Library’s Internet and Electronic Resources policy, or otherwise misusing computers
• Violating other Library policies and/or guidelines
• Violating federal, state, and/or local law
• Engaging in other acts disruptive to patrons and staff

 In addition, patrons must comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Suspected illegal activity will be reported to the police. Violations of law may result in a patron being expelled from the Library, arrested, prosecuted, and/or other legal action, as appropriate.

The examples listed above are not a complete list of violations, but instead are intended to provide guidance. The Director and other Library staff are authorized to determine what constitutes disruptive behavior.


Eating or drinking is not permitted at any computer in the library. All beverages must have a no-spill lid.

The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen items. It is recommended that patrons do not leave personal belongings unattended.

Library patrons receiving outreach services are subject to this Code of Conduct and enforcement of this Code of Conduct. In addition, if any situation arises in which a Library outreach employee or volunteer feels that a particular environment or situation is unsafe, then the Library may immediately discontinue that outreach service.

In the event of an emergency, patrons shall comply with instructions from Library personnel. It is illegal to carry weapons of any kind, either concealed or in plain view, in the building unless the person in possession of the weapon is a law enforcement officer.

The Board of Trustees authorizes the Director and other Library staff to enforce this Patron Code of Conduct consistent with this policy. The rules of public behavior will be prominently posted in the Library and will be made available electronically, and patrons who violate this Code of Conduct will be given notice of their violation. A violation may result in a patron’s expulsion from the Library, restriction from the Library, suspension of Library privileges, and/or arrest and criminal prosecution or other legal action, as appropriate. When necessary the Library will work with law enforcement authorities to prosecute actions for criminal behavior against the Library, its patrons, and staff. Although the Library reserves the right to require anyone violating the Code of Conduct to leave Library property, the Library generally will follow these steps when a violation occurs:

1) Library staff will verbally bring to an individual’s attention any act or omission that violates this Patron Code of Conduct or related Library policies and ask the individual to change his or her behavior to conform to the rules.

2) If such change is not evident or forthcoming, Library staff will direct the individual violating this Patron Code of Conduct or related Library policies to leave Library property (which includes both the building and the premises). In some situations, a violation may result in an individual being directed to leave Library property (Step 2) without the patron having been given a verbal warning under Step 1, including, for example, in situations when a patron’s presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disruption (for example, when engaging in a physical fight, etc.), or based on the severity or frequency of the violation.

3) Failure to leave Library property (which includes both the building and the premises) when directed may result in intervention by the police and a possible charge of criminal trespass per Section 2911.21 of the Ohio Revised Code.

4) Individuals who violate this Code of Conduct may be restricted from the Library for varying periods of time, depending on the severity or frequency of the violation. If restricted for more than one day, the Library will give written notice of the violation and restriction, either in person at the time of violation or by mail if possible. With respect to juveniles, any such notice of restriction will be sent to the juvenile’s parent or guardian.

The Director or other Library staff may, in their discretion, call the police for assistance as needed. The Library reserves the right to enforce this Code of Conduct consistent with safety, health, legal, and other relevant considerations, and the Library will comply with all applicable laws.

In addition, patrons must comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Suspected illegal activity will be reported to the police. Violations of law may result in a patron being expelled from the Library, arrested, prosecuted, and/or other legal action, as appropriate.

A patron who has been expelled or restricted from the Library, or whose Library privileges have been suspended, will have the right to a review of this decision by a Panel of three, consisting of the Director of the Library and his/her designees. To schedule a review, a patron should contact the Director at (419) 347-5576 (x303) or in writing at 29 W. Whitney Avenue, Shelby, Ohio 44875 within five weekdays from the date of the notice of restriction or other action and request a meeting to discuss the restriction or other action. The Panel will schedule a meeting in order to review the restriction or other action. Juveniles who have requested a review are required to bring a parent or guardian to the meeting with the Panel. Pending the review/appeal process, a restriction or other Library action will remain in effect.

After this review, a patron may appeal the decision of the Panel to the Board of Trustees. To appeal this decision, a patron must submit, within five weekdays from the date of the decision, a written statement explaining why the decision of the Panel should be overturned, with any supporting documentation or evidence to be considered. This appeal must be submitted via mail to the Board of Trustees at 29 W. Whitney Avenue, Shelby, Ohio 44875. The Board of Trustees will promptly schedule and resolve the appeal.


Approved by the Marvin Memorial Library Board of Trustees; January 27, 2020